
Former Ph.D. Students


Ph.D. and postdoctoral positions on the topic “An Algorithmic Perspective to Animal Foraging” are available under my guidance at the Computer Science Department, University of Haifa. These positions will be supported by an ISF Grant.


Due to the current situation in Israel, the option of residing outside the country for a significant period will also be considered.


The research will focus on algorithmic principles with a special emphasis on social foraging — where group-living animals coordinate their actions to find, capture, and share food resources. On the purely theoretical side, the research will span topics such as distributed computing, randomized algorithms, evolutionary game theory, and stochastic processes. Beyond performing high-quality algorithmic analysis, a key objective is demonstrating how algorithmic approaches can influence experimental design and generate meaningful predictions. As such, this interdisciplinary research will involve collaboration with biologists, a rare but exciting aspect of algorithmic studies.


Another innovative element of this research is identifying overlapping features between distributed computing and game theory. To date, results at the intersection of these fields have not attracted sustained interest from either community. This project aims to use biological scenarios as a bridge to integrate these fields and produce concrete results.


Given the unconventional and demanding nature of this research, I am looking for highly talented candidates who are passionate about animals and possess a strong foundation in the following areas (ordered by importance to the project):


·      Probability theory

·      Distributed Computing

·      Game theory

·      Algorithm theory

·      Programming skills


Interested applicants should submit the following documents to

· a CV (including a publication list, if available),

· a research statement, and 

· 2 letters of recommendation